Friends Through Culture: Banquet by Meandering Waters

Friends Through Culture: A Special Exhibition of Paintings on Elegant Gatherings

Banquet by Meandering Waters

Date of Completion | Oct, 2019

Location | Taipei National Palace Museum

Client | Taipei National Palace Museum

Scope of Work | Curation, Visual Creative and Interactive Programming

Description |

Elegant Gathering is one of the party forms of ancient literati. There are various reasons for holding parties, and the scale can be large or small. In the elegant gathering activities, besides enjoying exquisite food, the host and guests will also have fun activities such as poetry recitation, playing Guqin, chess, painting, and tea tasting. Moreover, commemorative works were created during the impromptu brush stroke and inscriptions. The literati competed with each other in the elegant gatherings, which makes it become the cradle of culture.
