The 10th China Flower Expo – Taiwan Garden and Pavilion

The 10th China Flower Expo

Taiwan Garden and Pavilion

Date of Completion | May, 2021

Location | Shanghai, Chongming Island, Taiwan Garden and Pavilion

Area |  230㎡

Client | Shanghai Taiwan Investors Association

Scope of Work | Curation, Interactive art works design and production

Award |

2021 10th China Flower Expo – Best Popularity Award

Description |

Among the many pavilions of this flower expo, the Taiwan pavilion is undoubtedly one of the most popular and internet-famous pavilions because of the display form of technology, art, light and shadow. The diverse forest features, dazzling technology and warm people, all the features of Taiwan have brought the public a beautiful display of ecological civilization construction and flower culture, and won countless amazement and praise.

Take concerted action of the concept of the 10th China Flower Exp, we combined “flower and technology”, “tradition and modern”, and merge them in artworks, to show the beauty of origin with light and virtual, and give audience a different expo experience. Not only showing the beauty of Taiwan’s flowers, it also shows the technological development of Taiwan, using multimedia technology as the theme to tell stories.

We regard the exhibition site as a dreamland of flowers. In the multi-level exhibition space, we combine floating images, mapping projection, flower shape identification, interactive projection, wishing sky lanterns, etc., to show the dreamlike space with Taiwanese flowers. In addition to seeing the amazing experience, you can also get the good wishes brought by a flower!

The main theatrical show area presenting “Feast With Flora & Papilio” demonstrated perfect combination of technology and flowers

While the blessing lantern installation brings the beautiful traditional alive for all guests to make their wishes
