NPM Painting and Calligraphy New Media Art Exhibition

NPM Painting and Calligraphy New Media Art Exhibition

A Literary Gathering in Qingshui

Date of Completion | Nov, 2018

Location | Taichung City Seaport Art Center

Client | Taipei National Palace Museum

Scope of Work | Curation, Creative Design and Production

Award |

2018 Houston Worldfest – Hi-Def/New Technology – Gold Remi Prize

2017 AAM MUSE Awards – Education and Outreach – Silver Prize

Description |

Through new media art, this exhibition expounds on the imperceptible connection and mutual reliance between humankind, and between humanity and nature. The centerpiece of this exhibition actualizes the visual feast of flowers and ironic Zen humor featured in Huang Ting-chien’s seven characters verse poem, “Besotted by Flower Vapors.” In the Spirit of Autobiography calligraphy VR installation, audience can morph into the Tang dynasty cursive script master, Huaisu, and viscerally explore his creative world.

When the audience approaches the wall, the flowers in the center morph into calligraphic characters. Coupled with the ancient poetic text, the installation works as a whole to place the audience within Huang’s creative process.
